WhiteBearSolutions was founded in 2003 in Spain as a technology company. Over the years, we have created and developed two solutions for medium and big-size organizations: WBSAirback (Storage and Backup), WBSVision (Directory Services and Identity Management) and SmartLogin (federación y gestión de acceso).
Our products reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) thanks to Open Source technologies, Open Standards, ur own product architecture (based in an appliance format) and our pay-for-services, which is associated to support subscriptions and based in SLAs.
The company acquires SmartLogin
As part of its growth and positioning strategy, the organisation has purchased the Access Control and Management product: SmartLogin. With the incorporation of this solution into its portfolio, together with its Identity Management product, WBSVision, the company offers a Global IAM Suite. |
WBSAirback-StorageCloud, winner of the
Open Awards 2017
The Enterprise File Sync Module & Share (EFSS) of the WBSAirback-StorageCloud product, receives the recognition as a Best Cloud Solution at the Open Awards 2017. These awards aim to: "Encourage, support, recognise and reward open source projects, and to recognise the most outstanding Open Source initiatives of the year." |
In 2016, the organisation strengthened its business by doubling its turnover, employees and significantly increasing its customer base. In addition, the company signed partnership agreements with two renowned wholesalers in the field of security: V-Valley (Esprinet Group) and Ingecom. It also strengthens its Business Intelligence module with the signing of a partnership agreement with Datknosys. In the area of managed backup services and operations, the organisation is experiencing significant growth and now operates in more than 25 countries. |
Best Service/ Solution Provider at Open Awards 2016
During this year WhiteBearSolutions gets the support, both from users and from the jury, receiving the Open Awards 2016 as Best Service/ Solution Provider. |
Entrenchment and Acknowledgements
The company consolidates its presence in Latin America and strengthens its commercial operations in more than 20 countries in the region. In addition, WBSAirback 15 y WBSVision 15 are launched on the market with important new products and improved functionalities. In Spain, during this period, the organisation achieved significant recognition and was awarded important public contracts, competing with specialised companies that represent the most recognised products in the world. |
International expansion
The company continues its international expansion and begins commercial operations in Brazil, where it establishes relations with one of the largest financial institutions. In addition, a significant number of companies with a high turnover and belonging to the IBEX 35 began to form part of our clients. Likewise, as a result of the constant development and innovation that governs the culture of our team, the R&D department implements significant improvements in our products, launching versions 14 of both WBSAirback and WBSVision on the market.
On its 10 anniversary, the company start operating in Latin America, achieving the first successes after just a few months of commercialisation. As a result, the Latam operation centre is opened in collaboration with an affiliated company office in Peru. The centre resources to ensure support operationsand to expand commercial services for Latam |
WBSAirback 12
With the launch of version 12 of WBSAirback, the platform consolidates the integration with Bacula Enterprise incorporating important plugins for the native protection of applications. Likewise, in collaboration with Bacula Systems, it incorporates the "Bacula Deduplication Volumes" functionality, achieving backup deduplication through the compatibility with ZFS included in the Unified Storage module. This allows for average storage space saving rates of between 10x and 20x.
WBSVision 12
With WBSVision version 12 release, the platform acquires a new dimension, as it becomes a complete solution for Identity Management. It features the following functionalities: role and profile management with heterogenic repositories provisioning, identity federation based in SAML2 protocol, auditing/reporting and Radius/802.1x authentication, among others. |
Vmware TAP Alliance
With the integration to the Technology Alliance Partner VMWare program, WBSgo obtains technical resources and support to homologate its products on virtual format so they can be deployed in VMWare environments. They are also able to develop specific modules through the VMWare native APIs. |
Collaboration with Bacula Systems
With the aim to commercialize WBSAirback in critical mission production environments, the company signs an agreement with Bacula Systems, responsible for Bacula Enterprise Edition development. New advanced features and plugins are added to the platform and an Enterprise technical support in the R&D Bacula Systems department is created in order to respond to medium and big-size companies requirements. |
Integration to Cibernos Group
Cibernos, one of the pioneer companies of the ICT in Spain, with over 50 years of experience and more than 1000 employees, becomes WhiteBearSolutions major shareholder. With this integration, bigger commercial capacities are acquired at a logistic and financial level. On the other hand, Cibernos complements its area of solutions, especially those related to security. |
Channel approach
After several years of work with organisations from all sectors, the company sets one strategic pillar geared towards the distribution channel. A channel program is designed with different partnership levels adapted to every market actor (integrators, distributors, Data Centre service providers, Outsourcers…) |
Collaboration with Dell OEM
After considering the different options on the market, WBSgo decides to bet on Dell OEM Solutions. Dell OEM is a supplier for appliance platforms and offers global technical assistance that allows opening new markets. |
WBSAirback and WBSVision release
WBSAirback and WBSVision release. The first versions of WBSAirback and WBSVision are released after a year and a half of development, along with the first appliances generation, designed and created in Spain based in VIA technology. Meanwhile, all the procedures, tools and professional team are deployed to be commercialized provide support and deliver our solutions. |
Collaboration with NetApp and Overland
Collaboration with NetApp and Overland. Two strategic partnership agreements are signed to complement the storage solutions portfolio. After overcoming an exigent training process and accrediting knowledge for several resources in the delivery department, we obtain a certification as delivery services provider by NetApp. |
Nos convertimos en fabricante
We become a manufacturer. After several years working as an Open Source system integrator and reaching high levels of expertise in implementing storage, backup and Identity Management solutions in collaboration with big integrators and manufacturers, we create an R&D department. Its aim is to develop two business lines: WBSAirback and WBSVision, for which several companies join WhiteBearSolutions shareholding: Einzelnet Group (new technologies), ArcaIT (telecommunications) and Audea (security). |
Inception with Bacula and OpenLDAP
Bacula Community and OpenLDAP solutions are chosen to develop backup projects and user management, respectively. Additionally, a new area is created to deploy web portals based on Apache Lenya contents manager |
WBSgo starts
The company is founded with the aim to provide system integration services for medium and big-size companies using Open Source solutions and working with technology-leader manufacturers. |